Sabado, Oktubre 8, 2016


I think all of us encountered success and failure in our life and this are only a test, remember GOD will never gave as problem that we can’t surpass. Base on my own understanding, as a reader the factors that contributed to success and failure of steve jobs such as: faith, passion, determination, Innovation and vision.
Jobs didn’t always know what he was doing in life. A college dropout, many gave up on him and had little faith in his abilities. But, Jobs didn’t give up on himself. He continued pursuing avenues that he found interesting, trusting that in the end it would be more meaningful and even perhaps useful. He soon learned that everything in his life, even the most terrible things, seem to happen for a reason and he is now able to place a certain amount of trust in the uncontrollable. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work,” says Jobs. From his first days working at his father’s workbench, Jobs knew that his future lay in the creation of things. It wasn’t until he met Wozniak in 1968 that he knew what those things were – personal computers. They first set their company in the garage of Steve Wozniak’s father. Despite failures such as Apple III and being fired from the company he helped found, Jobs managed to come back out on top because he knew that he didn’t want to devote his life to anything but his passion. He kept his eyes and ears open and had the courage to seize new opportunities as they came along. Whether risky or outright foolish, Jobs was from then on out determined to follow his intuition in guiding his business decisions. When other CEO's were focusing on sales and financing, Jobs was concerning himself with the next big thing. Personally meeting with suppliers and suppliers’ suppliers, Jobs made it his top priority to keep on top of the next frontier. By filling his company with only the brightest of people, Jobs continues to work towards ensuring Apple a place at the top of the market for years to come. An open mind and the ability to put new twists on old techniques was one of the key distinguishing factors between Jobs and his competitors. From cute and utilitarian ads to those that appealed to counterculture rebellion, Jobs’ vision was integrated into every aspect of the company’s strategy. If you dreamed of changing the world, then Jobs was out to prove any way he could that you needed an Apple computer to do it. Good Communicating Skills and charisma: Steve Jobs has the charm and ability to convince people. Mr. Jobs has the power to convince investors to have their partnership with him to make a good business production and convinced people that they need his products. On top of that he makes himself presentable in front of other people by cutting his hair off, shaving his beard and wearing business suites. Management: As I’ve seen in the movie Steve Jobs was not the main inventor but his high school friend Steve Wozniak. Even though he is not really the main inventor of their product he manages to take their business into the next level. Good management is very important in a company and Steve Jobs did a great job in managing Apple. Cleverness: Without this, Steve Jobs could not think innovative ideas to make great products that would help people’s lives made better. If Steve jobs can do anything, I know we can do it :)